Trailer - 2 de octubre

In the Summer of 1968, while Mexico prepared to host the Olympic Games, a student movement shook the nation. Follow the story of two university students, Elena and Cuauhtemoc, as they get caught up in a wave of protest that will change their lives forever.

“El 2 de Octubre" is a short novel with a version tailored for intermediate Spanish learners and another version for English Learners. This book offers students a comprehensive approach to advancing their language skills, vocabulary and knowledge of Mexican culture and history.

Featured Products

Novel for Spanish Learners

Print Version - $9 (USA)

Novel for Spanish Learners

Electronic Version - $3.99 (USA)

Teacher’s Guide - Spanish - $40

Novel for English Learners

Print Version - $9

Novel for English Learners

Electronic Version - $3.99

Teacher’s Guide - English - $40

(Coming Soon)

Mexico - Novel Spanish

Electronic Version - $80 pesos

Mexico - Novel for English Learners

Electronic Version - $80 pesos

Sample Chapters - Chapters 1-3

Sample Chapter - Chapter 6

Sample Chapter - Chapter 12

the author

JP Sullivan has been teaching High School Spanish in Southern California since 2012 . He has a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and a Master’s degree in TESOL. While living in Mexico City in the early 2000’s, his future wife and father-in-law brought him to Tlatelolco and taught him about the tragic events of October 2, 1968. Year’s later he was inspired to write a short novel to use in his classroom. After teaching the novel for a few years and editing along the way, he is now ready to share this book with a wider audience.

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